Lovely thermo socks for 6,99€ (marked down from 15,99€!)
Some stuff from Rossmann & dm
Long Lasting Nail Colour for only 1,49€ (marked down!)
matte finished eyeshadow „22 Blockbuster“ for 1,55€
A few things I bought today.
The nail polish from Rival de Loop was a rummage box finding. I don’t really like the design of the brand Rival de Loop, that’s why I never bought anything from there before. But this colour is pretty lovely <3, the handling is also ok. And of course it only cost 1,49€! 😉
Also the socks weren’t planned to the bought, I saw them, I loved them, I needed them, I bought them. Well…you know that. 😉 But I think the price was really cheap for those socks (from Bench).
The matte eyeshadow WAS planned! I was searching a matte bright colour for highlighting and blending my make-ups. At the moment I use a strong white from basic, but that wasn’t satisfying at all. Too white, too strong, just not soft and creamy enough for me 😀
der nagellack ist wundervoll ♥
jetzt hast du mich angefixt 😉
WO haste denn die Socken her? Find die auch klasse.
Ahhh, danke schön. Da muss ich die Tage wohl mal hin. 🙂
Mit dem Anti Split Coat von P2 bin ich sehr zufrieden, der ist super ^_^.
der lack von rival de loop ähnelt dem „big spender wanted“ von catrice sehr stark.
falls du ein backup oder eine bessere textur suchst. 😀
liebe grüße
Ui, der Lack ist hübsch 🙂 Allerdings blättern die immer so schnell bei mir ab 🙁